a tool for work/life/live balance

a tool to find rental properties filtered by accurate public transit requirements

I've started this project because I was trying to help friends find a place to live in London, which would be in the right price range, a reasonable commute for all of them, and in a good place for socialising in the centre of town too. The problem? They're all working at pretty much opposite ends of London. I ended up browsing Zoopla and Rightmove, using my own intuition about London to pick areas and then plugging the addresses of suitable properties into Citymapper three or four times per property, to see if commute times were reasonable. Damn, I thought to myself, there's got to be a better way. Can't I automate this??

So here's a first attempt—I'm going to query property websites (Zoopla at least seems to have a nice API), find as big a set of properties, over as wide a section of London as possible, and then use Citymapper to check each address against constraints. These constraints might be "within 30 minutes commute of Brick Lane, to arrive at 0900 on weekdays" or "no more than an hour to get back from Piccadilly Circus, if leaving after 0100". This should also be a fun exercise in learning some new languages and frameworks! I have no idea what I'm going to build it in yet...